An Example...
Julie, a local restaurant owner, would love to have Fine Art to decorate her space.
She could pay $750 (50% off retail) for a 24"X36" piece that elevates her restaurant's lobby decor while supporting a local Maui Artist.
We'll ship and offer to hang art and artist plaques with personalized QR codes for her.
As patrons are enjoying their meals and ambiance, they can scan the code and investigate how to buy for their homes or businesses.
Julie would receive 10% for the first 9 sales through her QR code, and 15% every sale after that, automatically!
A true win-win-win for everyone.
Julie has limited upfront cost AND gets paid for the art on her wall.
Her customers get 5% off for using her code.
LMM is able to display our art and make sales we otherwise wouldn't have.
"We all go up together."
We'll set you up with a dashboard to see your sales, clicks, and our current promotions to share easily.
Set up your account for automatic deposits to a bank account or Paypal.
Taxes can be withheld automatically!

You'll fill out a W-9 Tax Form for your business and become a 1099 Subcontractor with Living Moments Media.
At the end of the year, we will automatically send you a 1099 statement with your income amount.
It's super quick... you'll be up and running in a few minutes!
Customers have 30 days to make a purchasing decision once they click your partner link. They must have cookies enabled on their device to credit your referral (almost everyone does).
Payouts will occur automatically after the customer's return period has ended (7 days after delivery). Average time for payouts is usually about a month after the customer completes their purchase on our site.
It is LMM's full discretion as to whether a company can qualify for wholesale discount pricing.
Where to go from here...
1. Pick which price range and sizes of art would fit best in your space and would match the demographics of your customers
2. Pick out your artwork that would fit best in with your decor and style
3. Decide whether Wholesale or Retail pricing best fits your business's goals
4. Apply below for either Wholesale or Retail pricing
5. Place your order under your new partner account
6. We ship your selection to you to hang where you'd like
7. We ship an Artist's Plaque (example on previous page) to hang next to your art that includes your personalized QR Code
8. (Optional) We print Business Cards to help customers take your QR Code with them
Let's Begin Collaborating!
We're all in this together...
Join us on the Adventure and Become a Business Partner today!